
PrestaShop模块 by RockThemes

Spice up your store`s homepage with handpicked products from different categories, 排列成响应式旋转木马. Category Products is a simple module that allows you to place products from...
Sales: 16
Support: 4.1/5
Lookbook PrestaShop模块
向顾客展示你的产品在使用时的样子.g. 模特身上的衣服,室内的家具等等. 你可以用热点标记每一个广告项目. 它将打开一个带有产品的弹出式块...
Sales: 14
Support: 4.1/5
Make the products stored in the assortment look more attractive on the site in non standard layout. Simple module that allows displaying products of sel ected categories in non standard layout on...
Sales: 9
Support: 4.1/5
Enrich navigational options of your store by adding a related products section with the help of this TM Related Products module. 感谢这个模块的相关产品将显示在您的...
Sales: 2
Support: 4.1/5
Improve your customer engagement by letting them creating collections of your products and share them in social networks. Using this module, you can let registered customers combine their favorite...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.1/5
Reveal the brands behind your offerings to add more interest to your merchandise. The module allows you to display the information about manufacturers of your products right on the front page. You...
Sales: 18
Support: 4.1/5
Products Manager was created for shops with the big amount of products. 17种有用的产品操作选项可供您选择. 您可以使用少数几个对您的产品进行组更改...
Sales: 7
Support: 4.1/5

最好的产品属性模块PrestaShop -所有关于他们

These days, traditional stores are fading into the background as more and more consumers prefer to shop online. A modern approach opens up many new opportunities for buyers and entrepreneurs. For shop owners, online business is a chance to take their company to the next level and reach a global audience. 同时, customers have instant access to all products and can order items while sitting on the couch. Of course, online trading has its subtleties and secrets that help win the buyers' attention and overcome competitors. 例如,PrestaShop用户指的是 themes or add-ons to expand the website's functionality and make it as convenient as possible. Among them, product attributes modules PrestaShop are in particular demand.

Let's begin by mentioning the platform's multifunctionality and its tools for setting up a full-fledged eCommerce site. Moreover, 除了基本的功能, PrestaShop modules allow you to improve your online store and make it back and front-end at the highest level. 产品属性模块是一块真正的宝石, as they help you display a list of desired attributes and select options. 很方便, as buyers immediately see the items that suit their preferences and can choose the best one. 你想知道更多关于PrestaShop插件吗? You are welcome!


The process of scrolling through the entire catalog in search of the right size and color is time-consuming and inconvenient. Nowadays, buyers prefer to get goods and materials immediately, so it isn't an option for them. You should therefore manage your products to provide convenient shopping and acquire regular customers.

Product attributes PrestaShop modules do a great job with management and offer tools for selecting options and creating combinations for listings. 它是如何工作的?? The plugin displays all kinds of attributes for search results or categories so that users mark the ones they need and get a list of items in stock. It minimizes the time it takes to find an item that matches all the desired parameters, including size, shape, color, or price. Thus, 使用PrestaShop模块, 你让你的商店更方便, 获得客户忠诚度,提高转化率.

The great thing about product attributes PrestaShop plugins is that you may completely customize them. You easily edit the feature’s appearance and set the characteristics for displaying products. Do you want to hide the price, show the discount amount, or add a description of the attributes? No problem! Modules allow you to realize all your wishes to achieve the perfect result. Be sure they will be a great move to increase the profitability of your 电子商务资源!


Choosing the best online store solution takes a lot of time and effort. 这是一个真正的挑战, as entrepreneurs should compare all the characteristics and find the most suitable option. Luckily, Templateog体育首页 offers the best modules for your eCommerce site, so you can't go wrong. 此外,还有一些实用的建议给你. 用它们武装自己,开始吧:

  1. 首先,确定你的目标. Answer the questions: what functionality do you want to implement, and what results to achieve? It will help you to clearly articulate your wishes and find a plugin with the appropriate functionality.
  2. 阅读你喜欢的模块的描述和评论. Also, check features and compatibility to ensure that the option suits you.
  3. If you have questions or doubts about product attributes modules PrestaShop, 请通过在线聊天与售前经理联系.
  4. If you are sure that all criteria meet your expectations, proceed to checkout and install.

产品属性模块prestshop Q&A


These are extensions to improve the functionality of the PrestaShop store. They allow you to display attributes for categories and create combinations of items that match in size, color, price, and so on.

Do I need coding skills to work with product attributes PrestaShop modules?

No. Plugins are easy to use, so their customization does not require special skills or knowledge.


Yes. Add-ons are fully editable and allow you to choose the style that suits your online store design.


Do not worry. You can contact the plugin author or the Templateog体育首页 support team for assistance.