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吐出液体7音效 by BBRealSound

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1声音效果 by BBRealSound

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柔风音效 by BBRealSound

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金属笔筒9音效 by BBRealSound

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我们无法想象任何没有音频的视频项目. It applies not only to the melody and voice; we are about additional background stereo design of background movements. Not only that, but it is relevant for advertisements, movies, games, matches, etc. Sound effects sport create a specific atmosphere that promotes the viewer's loyalty and forces him to be a participant in the events. In this article, we will introduce you to design, its components, and stages of creation.


如今的音乐、电影、游戏和体育行业都在使用SFX. 它是另一种与立体设计相关的类型. 所以你可以用额外的背景来增强外观. It is necessary to immerse the viewer in the fantastic reality of events, 创建关联, 并为周围世界的运动发声.

SFX是音频特效. Usually, developers create them artificially or process them live to get the desired result. 导演用这个来增强存在感. Many ready-made stereo elements immerse a person in the necessary environment. It makes the viewer a participant in the events, even if the scenes are fantastic.

这种设计不仅对娱乐业有帮助. You may encounter specific audio during a game: the buzzer of a goal, a timeout, a card issue, etc. 在广告中使用这些也是必要的. 它会让人联想到公司或产品, 即使潜在客户没有看到商品.


You should know the differences between the two specialists in this art.

第一个是设计师. 它是一个向导,伴随着记录的示例事件. He should have a good understanding of non-melodic features of it (noise, texture, etc.). It is necessary to be familiar with engines, programs, and audio middleware. 专家不仅要懂理论,还要懂实践. For example, how to implement and configure it in a game, advertisement, video, etc. He picks up the nonexistent textures and noises and knows how magic, space, lasers, etc. 他可能不知道如何写音乐.

第二个是作曲家. 他是一位从零开始创作旋律的专家. 所以他使用乐器和他的技巧. 他应该知道旋律和和声思维和音乐形式.


在专业的设计和编辑,所有 声音效果 运动四大类.

  • Isolated. These are ordinary household noises that you usually hear in life: car horns, barking dogs, hammers, city noise, etc. 你可以很容易地在 Templateog体育首页 inventory. Sometimes you can find some elements in free access: trains, thunder, water noise, etc.
  • 专业项目. 这些是作曲家为制作而创作的新立体声音响. 它们在幻想和科幻小说中很受欢迎. Such audio does not exist in real life: the roar of a dinosaur, various creatures, a lightsaber, etc.
  • Synchronous. Specialists use these components to accompany background movements and actions in the scene. If the character walks on a metal surface, the master reproduces this noise and steps in sync.
  • Environment. 在某些情况下,它是一个立体背景轨道. 例如,这是街道,高速公路,森林, nature办公室的噪音等等. Every scene needs this kind of audio because the result will look artificial without it.


我们把所有的听觉材料分成几种类型:画外音, ambiance, folly, SFX, and music to create a complete design and understand the sequence of work.

SFX are artificial components that do not usually exist in nature or everyday life. 为此,必须匹配游戏设置. For example, to create an interface, you can use the tone of one texture, giving unity to the music.

开发者还将这些元素作为空间中的噪音. 它们可以绑定到特定的触发器或动画(例如得分), 打网球, 跟踪滴答作响的时钟, etc.).


  • operate with suitable textures: it is impossible to voice plastic with metal;
  • 符合规划;
  • use accents;
  • 记住声音的优先级.

此外,遵循立体声轨道逻辑. For example, if the car is going far and approaching the main action on the screen, 一开始不应该有高频.


  • FMOD Studio是一个易于访问和理解的软件. 它包括时间轴, 三维定位, 实时连接到游戏, 以及与虚幻引擎集成的能力, Unity, etc.
  • Wwise from Audio Kinetic - we advise professionals or programmers to use this option. 你可以实现任何想法. For example, you can implement the ability to synchronize action and audio. 说话时嘴唇在动,这是很关键的.


Templateog体育首页 has a library with a wide range of different 声音效果 and games. If you have a specific topic for which you are looking for a product, 然后在左侧菜单中使用我们的标签:game, movement, hit, impact, logo, cinematic, box, championship, transition, ambiance, noise, atmosphere, electronic, ship, human, arrow, action, etc.

For the active industry or related computer games, you should pay attention to the following topics:


你想听听YouTube视频的最佳播放列表吗? The Templateog体育首页 authors made a wide range of such elements in one video. 点击链接并享受吧.



Do you have a ready-made script and want to shoot a video or game graphics? 然后你应该开始说出你的结果.

  1. 重看你最喜欢的电视节目或电影. Analyze what role stereo records play and how they affect the viewer's consciousness.
  2. Look at your recorded product and think about what audio elements you are missing for a complete picture. 添加一些现成的立体声并再次加载结果. Ask your colleagues and the audience how naturally this reproduces the idea.
  3. Find the track items in Templateog体育首页 and implement them in the video. 向观众展示结果,并注意他们的评论.
  4. 尝试录制立体声音轨. As a result, make a survey that works better for your movie or game: ready-made tracks created by you.


We recommend using the Adobe Premiere Pro program to edit the video and insert audio elements.

  1. 将项目拖到Basic面板以加载它们.
  2. 给每个音频项目贴上标签. This panel allows you to assign some attributes to each item: the surrounding world, 房间背景, steps, dialogue, etc.
  3. 确保每个元素都平滑地淡入淡出. The sharp abruptness of the track can look unnatural and spoil the overall impression.
  4. 调节音量. You combine all reverb and work in tandem with the dialogues and musical interludes.


We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most famous SFX of Hollywood.

  • 威廉的哭. 它是导演在电视和电影中使用的传奇物品.
  • 城堡雷声. For the first time, track engineers recorded this audio in 1931 for the film Frankenstein.
  • Howa's scream. It's a competitor to Wilhelm's Cry, although it's off the beaten track.
  • Cat's squeal. Films operate it when a car knocks over garbage cans, chaos, glass breaks, etc. 你可以从《og体育首页》里听到.
  • Wolf howl. You'll often hear this element in full reverb, Dracula, Dark Forest, etc.


如果您决定操作Templateog体育首页库, 你正走在制作完美电影或游戏的正确道路上. 首先,请在网站上注册. Then you can view all the items and choose the best option for your video or game. 将产品添加到购物车中,然后点击结帐页面. 输入您的帐单详细信息并进行付款. 您将在几分钟内收到确认电话或电子邮件. 完成所有关卡. And after that, get a link to download the product in your Templateog体育首页 account.