
«Cross-Fading» Slider Team Ноябрь 15, 2010
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This is a Slider Script that uses cross-fading effect for slide change transition effects.

In order to make the script work, the index-#.html file with a slider should contain these line of HTML code in order to include the jquery00.js script that includes jQuery framework:

The gallery initialization is placed to the end of HTML coding (just before closing tag) and contains all the necessary configuration values.

effect attribute defines slide transition effect:

•    default – no transition effect, just switch the image;
•    fade – fade effect;
•    slide – slides are shifting down.

fadeOutSpeed attribute defines slide transition speed:

•    default – 4 seconds;
•    fast – 8 seconds;
•    slow – 2 seconds.

rotate attribute defines slide rotation:

•    true – slides are showing continuously;
•    false – each slide is shown only once.

Below you can see the HTML script representation:

Make sure that the number of navigation buttons ( tags inside the

Эта запись была размещена в Слайдер и помечена как jQuery, slider. Добавьте в закладки постоянную ссылку.

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